Wednesday, 2 November 2016

The first in Belarus exhibition of fighting paintings took place in Grodno

At June 29 on the eve of the start of the Summer Olympics, world champion in Thai boxing Rinat Bulatov held his first exhibition of paintings in Belarus, drawn only by methods of Thai boxing.

"I’ve wanted to show a new, aesthetic side of Thai boxing and to urge the International Olympic Committee to include this sport in the program of competitions - says Rinat Bulatov. - Muay Thai is a jewel in the sport, which should shine brightly on the most important event in the world of sport, the Olympic Games ".

After the exhibition will be auctioned, the money from which is used for the treatment of 3-year-old Alena Statsevich suffering from cancer.

The event was held in the courtyard of the gallery "Kryga".

These works - the first in a new direction of art called "sports expressionism." Its basis is a mixture of traditional and new expressionist painting manners and expression of feelings by using techniques of martial arts.

During the event, the artist spent a significant battle in the tradition of Thai boxing, and then demonstrated the technique of drawing the public on the punching bag, and held a master class on learning a new technique of drawing to the public, creating with them a common work.

Expressionism aims not so much to the reproduction of reality, how to express the emotional state of the author. It is presented in a variety of art forms, including painting, literature, theater, architecture, music and dance. This is the first artistic movement, to fully prove himself in the film. The most famous representatives: Wassily Kandinsky, Modigliani, Francis Bacon. A picture of another representative of this direction, Jackson Pollock, called "Number 5" was sold in 2006 for $ 140 million.

About Rinat Bulatov

The athlete, coach, painter.

Champion of Baltic League BMAF version of kickboxing, the vice-champion of the European Cup in Thai boxing. The winner of the tournament on Thai boxing in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Czech Republic and Slovakia. According to experts, he has one of the toughest "low-kicks" at lightweight.

The founder of the "sports expressionism" style in visual arts.

Contacts: mob. +375 29 587 6052 (MTS)

Publicist Mikhail Lis

+375 33 607 4542 (MTS)

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